North Texas Journal of Undergraduate Research
A multi-disciplinary undergraduate research journal.
Established 2019 ISSN (online): 2642-262X
Samyak: An Undergraduate Journal of Jain Studies
Samyak: An Undergraduate Journal of Jain Studies is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal published by the Jain Studies Program at the University of North Texas. Through research and engagement, we seek to promote the values of generosity, pluralism, and compassion for all sentient beings.
Unbound: A Journal of Digital Scholarship
Unbound: A Journal of Digital Scholarship is an open access, open peer-reviewed journal published by the Digital Cultural Studies Cooperative.
Established 2019 ISSN 2687-9018 (online)
American Journal of Indic Studies
American Journal of Indic Studies (AJIS) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Academy of Indic Studies (AAIS).
ISSN 2573-2145 (Print) ISSN 2573-1939 (Online)