As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The submission file is in a Microsoft Word document file format.
Documents are set to US letter dimensions with 1-inch margins; the text is double-spaced; the font is 12-point and Times New Roman; and the submission adheres to all other formatting requirements in the Author Guidelines.
The text text follows the bibliographic requirements for the Chicago Manual's Notes and Bibliography style outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Document formatting:
Microsoft Word file format.
US letter dimensions with 1-inch margins.
Double-spaced text (including notes and bibliography).
Times New Roman font in 12-point.
Left justification (including all titles and subtitles).
0.5-inch tabs for paragraphs.
Headings and subheadings:
Include the title of your submission at the top of the first page, justified to the left, headline-style capitalization.
Level-1 headings (for section titles) should be unnumbered, preceded and followed by a single line space, justified to the left, with headline-style capitalization.
Level-2 headings (for sub-sections) should be unnumbered, preceded and followed by a single line space, justified to the left, italicized, with sentence-style capitalization.
Begin each new section following a heading with an indented paragraph.
Do not use "Introduction" or any other level-1 heading for the first section, and avoid anything below level-2 headings.
Provide bibliographical citations in a list at the end of the document preceded by the level-1 heading References.
Include citations in endnotes, not footnotes, numbered with Arabic numerals. Use Microsoft Word's automated endnotes functions for placement and numbering. Precede the list of endnotes with the level-1 heading Notes.
Use italics, not underlining, for titles.
Periods and commas go inside quotation marks, whether single or double; semi-colons, colons, and question marks go outside.
Grammar and style:
Use appropriate diacritical marks for non-English words. Refer to IAST standards for transliterations from the Devanāgarī script (see resources here).
Following grammar, spelling, and punctuation standards for American-style English.
Avoid generalizations such as "Eastern" or "Western." Instead refer to specific traditions (e.g., Jaina epistemology or American pragmatism) whenever possible.
Section default policy
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