Editorial Team

Founding Editors

Spencer D.C. Keralis, Ph.D.; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
John Edward Martin, Ph.D.; University of North Texas

Editors in Chief

Spencer D. C. Keralis, Ph.D.; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
John Edward Martin, Ph.D.; University of North Texas

Managing Editor

John Edward Martin, Ph.D.; University of North Texas

Library & Information Sciences Editor

Jenn Stayton, M.I.S.; University of North Texas

Arts & Humanities Editor

Leigh Bonds, Ph.D.; The Ohio State University

Interpretive Social Sciences Editor

Applicants Welcome

Portfolios Editors

Kevin Jenkins, Ph.D.; Penn State University
Adetty Pérez de Miles, Ph.D.; Texas State University

Reviews Editor

Joshua Jackson, M.A.; North Carolina State University

Notes Editor

Applicants Welcome

Editorials Editor

Applicants Welcome

Before applying for Editor positions, please review the Submissions page for details on each section. Editors will be responsible for soliciting content in their subject area or submission category, collaboratively managing workflows with journal leadership, identifying and recruiting peer reviewers, and meeting periodically with journal leadership. To apply, please provide some information about yourself, and a brief (250 words) statement describing your interest and qualifications for the role. Applications received by November 1, 2019 will receive full consideration.

Advisory Board

Laura Braunstein, Dartmouth College
xtine burrough, University of Texas at Dallas
Sarah Melton, Boston College
Sarah Potvin, Texas A&M University
Laura Waugh, Texas State University

The Digital Cultural Studies Cooperative Board of Directors

Spencer D. C. Keralis,  Executive Director
Elizabeth Grumbach, Arizona State University
John Edward Martin, University of North Texas
Samantha Langsdale